Friday, August 29, 2008


The day before yesterday I and my family went to see the movie that is Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea. This film was directed by Hayao Miyazaki. Do you know him? He is famous for a Japanese movie director. Most Japanese love his movies, of course me too! The heroine of the movie is ''Ponyo'', she is five years old fish! She met human boy (His name is Sosuke.) by a strange chance and fall in love with Sosuke!

My sister really enjoyed it! My mother is easily moved to tears at home and she doesn’t shed tears in outside. But sudden tears ran down her cheeks in Movie Theater because she was so imprested it. On the contrary, my father didn’t satisfied so much the movie and it didn’t make sense to him. My mother thought that he is stubborn a little and he seeks a logical argument. I think so too, but at the same time I also have some questions like him. So I want to see it again to solve my question.


Nina Liakos said...

Dear Sanae,
Vicki and I love H. Miyazaki's films, but we haven't heard of this one. Is it new? We have Princess Mononoke and Spirited Away on DVD, and we recently saw Howl's Moving Castle on TV. I don't know which one is my favorite. I don't know whether Vicki will like Ponyo because she didn't like Finding Nemo and refused to see Shark Tale. But if it's Miyazaki, she might like it! :-)

Nikki said...

hey Sleepy,
The movie sounds really interesting. I don't think I've ever seen one of Miyazaki's films, but maybe I will check one out. Which do you reccomend?