Yes, it is really delicious!
This picture was yesterday’s board of part time job. I work for waitress in the restaurant. The chief is nice and care about balance of nutrition so every meal is great!
It was a bowl of rice topped with sashimi (sliced some kinds of raw fish), thin wheat noodles, a mixture of vegetable bits and shrimp fried in batter and chicken and konnyaku (a gelatinous food made from devil’s-tongue starch) boiled and seasoned.
Four month have passed since I started this job and recently I become used to work. Sometimes employee praised me so I feel happy. That’s exactly my motivation rise when they approve of my work :)
I want to absorb everything I can learn this part time job and of course classes in university. Class starts from now on!
Hey, Sleepy,
I am sorry that I have not read your blog until now. I did not realize how well you were keeping up with it! It's great to read how you are doing and to look at the nice picture you put up.
Your friend,
Good for you! Waitressing is hard work and I am glad you got used to it. Gelatinous food does not sound appetizing to my American mouth, however.
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